When asking somebody out on a date, timing is everything. You need to make sure that you ask the person out at the appropriate time. If you do not you may end up embarrassing yourself, or even worse the other person.When asking somebody out, never do it around other people. There is no need to have a group of friends with you when you are going to ask somebody out on a date. On the other hand, it is inappropriate to ask somebody out who is standing in a crowd.
Simply wait until you can get the person alone, or if you must, you can slyly ask to speak to them in private.Also, you want to avoid asking somebody out if either one of you has been drinking. Simply put, this is a bad way to start a relationship. If you have been drinking you may say things you do not mean, or agree to go out on a date with somebody that you are not attracted to.
Due both of you a favor and avoid this situation at all costs. Just like a lot of things in life, timing is everything. So, choose your moments wisely and make sure you are taking advantage of your best opportunity.
.There are plenty of free online dating options for you.
By: Peter Portero