I wonder what is in store for me
What God will want to make of me?
Should I even attempt to be
Or is that not my destiny?
Oh God, why will you not tell me
What it is you have decided for me?
Is it You do not think of me,
Or that your decision is in disagree with me?
Whatever that it may be,
I tell You now my choice will be
To love not that which is worldly,
But to give and provide for Thee
The fruits that my labor bestows upon me.
That is the least I can do
Considering You died for me
Gave life to me
And bless me continually.
So now that you know what I will do for Thee
I ask that you guide me
In fulfilling my goals to be
A man of generosity.
.Oh, how I've come to see
That truly God does have for me
A magnificent destiny!
I've discerned
I've heard
I've got glimpses
I've even seen it be!
For before God does it
He shows me!
.So be patient, wait, and see
That for you too God can be
A revealer of things to come
So your feet can begin to run!
With Him life is more fun and fulfilling
No time for disbelieving
Just open your heart
And start receiving!
.If you can breathe
You can believe
If you can believe
You can receive!
Freely receive
Freely give
For as you give
You too shall live!
.Paul Davis is author of Breakthrough for a Broken Heart a book telling us "How to overcome disappointments and blossom into your dreams!" He is a creative consultant, life coach (relational & professional), fitness trainer, minister, popular worldwide keynote speaker, adventure capitalist, explorer, negotiator, mediator, liberator and dream-maker.Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has also greatly impacted many in war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams and breaking limitations.Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.Paul can be contacted at: RevivingNations@yahoo.
com 407-967-7553 or 407-282-1745.For additional info: http://www.CreativeCommunications.
TV http://www.DreamMakerMinistries.com.
By: Paul Davis